Here We Go Again

Hello again… So I am here writing again for several reasons. First I lose more weight when I am writing this blog apparently… and because my nutritionist Leora thought it was a good idea to start it up again and give her a full access photo food journal so she knows what is happening on an ongoing bases. As we all know – pictures do tell us so much more then anything else.

So today began with the usual…

ahhh… breath in that 5:45 am aroma ….
Coffee with Skim Milk and Equal

This held me over until I got to work and weighed myself… my nutrition appointment day ritual. I snuck into the nurses office – which is easy mondays since there are no people in the office except the admin staff like me… I stayed at the same weight as last week. I was relived – although also a little disappointed since we are playing the – can she / can’t she have carbs game right now and to me this says that I can’t – but we shall see. At least I did not gain. For this point in the blog I am calling this point my starting point. I am not going to give you a number because it is too humiliating…. but I am still down form last years – just not the 50 pounds I was. More like 30 lbs… so I have lost some ground.

Anyway – post weight in I had breakfast.

Scrambled Eggs and Wheat toast ( A carb I should have avoided)

I spend the quite part of today working on the counseling handbook for work… and then making confirmation calls and working with the rest of the phone staff who had less then the usual enthusiasm. little miss spent the day complaining about her stomach ache to lay the ground work for the fact that I am sure she is calling out sick tomorrow. Then Our new girl who I really like was pretty low energy. Anyway we got through to lunch.

I swear I will turn into chicken and broccoli by the time I lose this weight of mine…. with Brown rice today… and Diet Coke… I have lapsed… sorry

Tonight we are planning to have Grilled Chicken and garden salad. I am not really hungry because of the Diet Coke I have been nursing the last few hours…

The Late Dinner of Grilled Chicken and Salad ala Matt….

I ate most of the chicken and the cucumbers, tomatos and green peppers out of the salad. Just not excited about lettuce today.

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